Photography is an art form that can be both challenging and rewarding. Sometimes, even the most experienced photographers can struggle with finding inspiration. Here are 15 ideas to help spark your photography inspiration:

  1. Go on a photo walk: Take a stroll around your neighbourhood or a new place, with your camera in hand, and take pictures of anything that catches your eye.
  2. Focus on textures: Look for interesting textures like a brick wall, a wooden fence or the bark of a tree.
  3. Play with light: Experiment with different types of light – natural light, artificial light, and shadows – to create interesting effects.
  4. Take photos of people: People watching is an excellent way to find inspiration, take photos of people, candid or posed.
  5. Shoot in black and white: Black and white photography can bring a new level of depth to your images and can make the ordinary appear extraordinary.
  6. Experiment with composition: Try using different angles, framing, and perspectives to create unique and dynamic images.
  7. Photograph nature: Whether it’s a landscape, flowers, or animals, nature is always an excellent source of inspiration.
  8. Focus on patterns: Look for patterns in everyday objects like buildings, windows, or pavement, and try to capture them in your photos.
  9. Shoot from a new perspective: Get low, get high, get close, or far away. Changing your perspective can provide a fresh viewpoint on a subject.
  10. Look for reflections: Water, mirrors, and glass can provide interesting reflections that can add depth and dimension to your images.
  11. Experiment with shutter speed: Play with your camera’s shutter speed to create interesting effects like motion blur or freezing action.
  12. Use props: Props can add a new element to your photos and help tell a story. Try using everyday objects like a chair, a hat or a book.
  13. Photograph architecture: Buildings, bridges, and other structures can offer unique shapes, lines and textures to photograph.
  14. Look for colours: Vibrant colours can add a pop to your photos. Try focusing on one or two colours or look for contrasting colours.
  15. Experiment with editing: Play around with post-processing tools to transform your images and bring out the best in them.



Remember, photography is all about having fun and exploring your creativity. Don’t be afraid to try new things and push your limits to find your photography inspiration.